Tag Archives: Tax Planning



Retirement is a big decision. Actually, it’s a series of decisions that travels the timeline of your adult life, from your first job to your last breath! It’s a big question: DoRead More…


Retirement Downsizing: Myths, Rules of Thumb, Common Sense and Financial Planning

One of the biggest myths around is that you will be spending less money after you retire. Sure, it’s possible, but think about it. Your income will likely be lower and pricesRead More…


Money Skills: Passive Core-Satellite Investing for Serious Wealth Building

The Fix The Investments Series Core-Satellite. Core and Explore. A rose by any other name… Often called Core and Explore, the basic portfolio construct is to have a CORE position in largeRead More…


Money Skills: Build Intelligent Investment Portfolios to Build Substantial Wealth

The Fix The Investments Series Volatile markets offer the perfect opportunity to reflect on your personal approach to investing and wealth building. October 2018 showcased the uneasiness than can develop in financialRead More…


Money Skills: Retirement Through the Ages!

If there is one Active Keep rule you must obey early and often it’s this: You cannot miss the layups! Throughout your working life you will face many opportunities to set yourselfRead More…


Money Skills: Work Your Core…and Satellites to Build Wealth

The Fix The Investments Series Anyone who’s ever exercised knows that having a strong, solid core has become the benchmark for overall fitness. This applies to your investments as well.  Core-satellite investingRead More…


Money Skills: Time in, not Timing. A Stock Market Reality, Part Deux.

Mutual fund manager extraordinaire, Peter Lynch, he of Fidelity Magellan fame, is one of the most successful and celebrated professional portfolio managers of all time, so it makes loads of sense toRead More…